The Hidden Meaning of Solitary

Have you ever asked yourself the question "what's my purpose"? I was in my senior year of high school, I was bored, and also everything everyday felt the exact same, so I knew I had to change something. I had this idea to make a clothing brand, but I didn't know what I wanted to name it. I have always been a hard-worker and knew I could do it, but I needed reasoning, I needed to make a name for myself. The gym shaped my mind and after a long time of thinking I wanted to name the clothing brand Solitary. I think it represents me perfectly, because I love being alone and getting things done alone, but I was ironic because I started this business alone and did it all alone with no help, which wasn't easy. I used this lonely feeling of me grinding to represent that I am a hardworking solitary student who works very hard to keep this brand growing. It's been almost a year doing this brand and I have to say I love the risks I have been taking, because I am changing the narrative.
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